Hello, sad girls and gays. I swiftly ran to my computer this morning to ponder over the one track that has the power to divide families, conquer wars, and that will most definitely one day be featured in an Oscar-worthy movie.

Yes, I’m talking about the 10-minute version of Taylor Swift’s “All Too Well” (Taylor’s Version).

Taylor Swift / Republic Records / Via youtube.com

Taylor confirmed last night on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon that this version is indeed the raw version — the version she wrote immediately post-breakup when she was feeling all the feels and pouring her heart out.

NBC / Via youtube.com

“The 10-minute version of ‘All Too Well’ is what was originally written for the song before I had to cut it down to normal length,” she added.

So, in order to help us all process, let’s dissect.

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I…don’t even know where to begin with this song, but let’s start with familiar lyrics including the scarf:

And, I left my scarf there at your sister's house and you've still got it in your drawer even now...

Andria Moore / BuzzFeed

This scarf imagery has haunted my deepest breakup woes for 10-odd years now. Also, as most of us know, Jake Gyllenhaal — who is rumored to be the subject of this song — has a sister, Maggie, who lives in Brooklyn.

“You told me ’bout your past thinking your future was me” — yes, this is also part of the 2012 released version of this song, but just wanted to say — I’m STILL WRECKED.

The new version hits different.

OK, now for the new lyrics!! I was very caught off guard by this line:

"And you were tossing me the car keys - 'fuck the patriarchy,' keychain on the ground

Andria Moore / BuzzFeed

So Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal is all about power to the people, interesting. I guess I’m just wondering…did he actually say this? Did they go on little “topple the patriarchy” road trips?

Taylor (like many women who date men have experienced) was clearly confused about her relationship with Jake, wondering if he ever really loved her and what their relationship meant.

"And I was thinking on the drive down, any time now, he'd gonna say it's love...you never called it what is was"

Andria Moore / BuzzFeed

This line is immediately followed by, “til we were dead and gone and buried, check the pulse and come back swearing it’s the same, after three months in the grave,” which makes me think he did eventually admit he loved her, but not until after they broke up and it was too late. To quote another pop icon Olivia Rodrigo — “damn, it’s brutal out here.”

Now, my absolute favorite lyric in this entire new version — the lyric that summons an almost ethereal sorrow from a place deep within me I didn’t know existed, is this:

And there we are again when nobody had to know...you kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath

Andria Moore / BuzzFeed

Taylor…has a way with words that is unmatched, and this feels like a sister lyric to “you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest.” She’s heartbreakingly describing what it’s like to make someone your whole world, only to realize they didn’t do the same. Jake also historically has preferred to keep his relationships private, as is evident from the line, “when nobody had to know.”

But in case we needed further confirmation that Jake Gyllenhaal is definitely the man behind Taylor’s 21-year-old heartbreak, the line “if we had been closer in age” only further confirms it was indeed him.

They say all's well that ends well, but I'm in a new hell every time you double-cross my mind. You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would been fine, and that made me want to die